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Tramas en mantra

from Scandinavia to  Latin America

On June 15, 2019 was the premiere of Tramas en mantra in Montevideo - Sala Camacuá. A concert designed by the Ensemble Oikos from the selection of compositions by authors from Nordic countries and Latin America from distant places and ages.

The show proposes an interweaving, through the singing voice, narrated voice, the light, the soundscape and the instrumental accompaniment. Nature, man, the celebration of life, are the engines that inspire these works and allow us to find paths that bring times, spaces and styles closer together.

Find out more about this project:

Ensemble Oikos performs annually at the Quinta Vaz Ferreira Museum, since 2014. We also participate in several choral festivals and encounters in Uruguay.

For the past three years we had the honor to sing for the Swedish community of Uruguay, at Santa Lucia's celebration, organized by the Instituto Cultural Suecia Uruguay.

We have also represented Finland in the celebration of the 100th anniversary of their independence, at the Second European Folk Festival held in Montevideo, Uruguay.


In September 2018 we sang at the International Choral Festival, in Reconquista, Santa Fe province, Argentina, and during 2017 we did a Northern Uruguay tour to Paysandú and Salto.


In 2015 we offer a didactic concert in the city of Florida. Further performances include Club Uruguay, 2014 and at the annual Montevideo Book Fair, 2014 & 2015

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